Saturday, February 10, 2018

"Table Talk" - Park Jet power system basics

Hi Everyone -

I recently shot this video discussing my thoughts based on lessons learned about park jet power systems over the past 5+ yrs.😊

I am sure that some of my rules of thumb and ways of doing things differ from what other folks do, and that is fine.  I probably err a bit on the side of caution as I have watched far too many planes crash in my early days as a park jet pilot due to over building, mismatching power systems or mismatching components within a power system.  So while it is part of this hobby to experiment, if you are just starting off, I am hoping that by using some of this information as guidelines it will set you up for the best success with less frustration and money wasted.😀

If you are interested in more details on the inner workings of a brushless outrunner motor, I shot this video awhile back discussing the 2212/6 2200 Kv motor in depth.
As I mention in the video, I think it is a good idea to honestly assess what sort of performance you want from your park jet before you build it so that you can select the right plane to match the power setup you have.  I made the mistake of far too often selecting a plane that was too big (large wingspan) or built too heavy for my power setup which resulted in high wing loading, insufficient power, both of which can spell disaster for an enjoyable flight experience.😞

Here are links to the items I used as "training aids" in the video😊
If you are interested in the bench test numbers for the motors that I currently use in my park jets or have tested recently, please check out my motor spreadsheet.

I hope that if you have been struggling with matching your park jet and power system that this video and blog post have been helpful.  I'm certainly not trying to shove my way of doing things down anybody's throat, bur rather pass on hard lessons learned so that perhaps it will make your park jet journey a little bit easier.  I have also written a series of articles on this blog titled "Which Park Jet for me?" where I share my thoughts on different park jets and park jet designs that you may also find helpful😊

As mentioned in the video, here are a couple of examples of planes that weigh about 21.5 oz/610 gr using the power system discussed in the first video above.

Park Jet noise...the "other" sound of freedom😎



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