Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Initial field testing of the RC Timer FR2306 2650 Kv motor

Hi Everyone -

I had this little beauty out for a good flight session today, blasting through a total of 16 flights testing my new RC Timer FR2306 2650 Kv motor with the 6x4 APC gas prop on 3S😊
Throughout the video below and in this post, I compare it often to the RC Timer FR2205 2550 Kv motor, so I will just refer to them as the 2306 and the 2205 for simplicity from now on.  These two motors are very similar in bench test performance, you can read more about that in this previous blog post.  In that post, I mentioned I was surprised how close the two motors were in performance in fact the 2205 was slightly better in both thrust and amp draw.  However, I did hope that the 2306 would have a bit more torque or "grunt" and fortunately it didn't let me down😃

Here is the flight video I shot today

Just flying around, there was no real difference in performance that I could see, at least no difference that my 56 yr old eyeglass assisted MK1 eyeballs could detect😉  What I did notice was a noticeable improvement in torque as I mention in the video with the 2306.  When I put the motor under heavy load pulling up into the vertical after a high speed run or in loops, it was much smoother and maintained it's speed and energy considerably better than the 2205.  I needed a bit less throttle to have the same performance pulling up and through a loop and could climb out vertically until I almost lost sight of the plane and it just kept going up with the same climb rate.

In comparison, the 2205 would maintain a certain amount of energy and momentum after a high speed run, but after about 2-300 ft of climb out would really start to struggle, I could hear that the motor would labor and it would eventually fall off the vertical.  With the 2306 with the same prop and same plane will climb vertically for as long as I want it to without laboring or falling of the vertical. 

So I am very pleased with that.  Of course I won't know how it handles a bit of wind until I actually fly in any, my biggest fault with the 2205 was as soon as there is any wind say between 5-10 mph, it started to struggle at times keeping the plane moving forward as it had the thrust, but not the torque to "muscle" it's way through.  So this was a good revelation and lesson learned for me that even though the Kv were about equal, even only a mm of extra stator width and height made a difference in the torque and the plane's ability to maintain it's energy for longer under load.

I will continue to fly this test bed plane with this motor until the next one shows up on the slow boat😎



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