Saturday, January 27, 2018

Thrust stand test session - 27 Jan 2018

Hi Everyone -

Thrust stand was busy again today, I wanted to catch up testing the quad racing motors that I hadn't tested yet on the new thrust stand.  All tests done with the 6x4 APC gas prop, Turnigy Plush 40A ESC (timing set to low) and Gens Ace 2200 3S 45C batteries.

You can find the detailed and updated spreadsheet by clicking on this link.

Motors tested today with the numbers at 100% throttle -

  • DYS MR2205 2750 Kv (Hobby King) currently $15.60 USD (thanks to rcplanepirate, I got mine on sale for $8.60👍)  29.8A/358.6W producing 820 gr/28.9 oz of thrust;
  • Multistar Viking 2208 2600 Kv (Hobby King) currently $28.14 (again thanks to RCPP, I got mine on sale for $16.10 😊) 31.9A/384.7W producing 960 gr/33.9 oz of thrust;
  • RC Timer FR2306 2650 Kv (RC Timer) $11.99 USD 30.9A/351.7W producing 878 gr/31.0 oz of thrust; and
  • RC Timer FR2205 2550 Kv (RC Timer) $10.99 USD 28.0A/322.5W producing 849 gr/29.9 oz of thrust.
Interestingly, the motors below 2700 Kv all have thrust numbers that match up in order with how I rated them in this blog post compared to the Racerstar BR2406 2600 Kv motor with the same prop.  Just for comparison, at 100% throttle, the Racerstar 2600 numbers are 31.7A/385.7W producing 982 gr/34.6 oz.

The DYS MR2205 2750 Kv numbers are disappointing, but not surprising.  rcplanepirate and I had discussed this motor off and on after he tested his second one that perhaps DYS had produced a bunch of 2300 Kv motors but put the 2750 Kv bell on by mistake 😒(if you click on the highlighted 2300 Kv, it will take you to the HK website where the DYS MR2205 2300 Kv motor is listed).

Comparing it to all the other quad racing motors I have tested, it is actually less powerful than the RC Timer 2205 2550 Kv motor as it produces 1 oz less thrust and is supposed to have 200 more Kv!😲  I put it in the category of motors above 2700 Kv because of how it is labelled, but the closest motor to it in that category is the Racerstar BR2306S 2700 Kv motor which pulls two more amps, but produces 6.3 more oz of thrust!  Something not quite right there.  The DYS 2205 2750 Kv might still be a good light little motor if you weren't looking for a ton of power, but I certainly wouldn't pay full price for them when I can get a Racerstar 2700 for $8.99 that produces a whole bunch more power.

Still waiting on three more quad racing motors to test on the bench and in the air

  • BrotherHobby Returner R4 2205 2700 Kv (another motor I got on sale😀, regular price $25.99 USD, I got mine on a Black Friday sale for $17.99;
  • Sunnysky Edge R2305 2800 Kv (again on sale, regular price at AliExpress $41.80 (what?!😲), I got mine for half price at $20.90, current price at Banggood is $23.71 (regular price); and 
  • DYS Samguk Shu 2306 2800 Kv motor regular $12.58 USD at time of writing on sale for $9.90.
I'm most excited about the last two with the size and high Kv.

Park Jet noise...the "other" sound of freedom😎



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