Hi everyone -
Before getting into the "meat" of this post, I wanted to provide links to the previous articles since you might find this one first when you open the thread and this way you can navigate to where you want to go more easily.
Before getting into the "meat" of this post, I wanted to provide links to the previous articles since you might find this one first when you open the thread and this way you can navigate to where you want to go more easily.
Well, if you read through the entire thread to this point, congratulations! 👍👏😀 I suppose equally I may have only scratched the surface or gone completely overboard depending on your perspective. In all the time I have been in this hobby and shared my experiences and ideas, I have always felt that if I helped even one person not repeat the same mistakes I have or experienced the same frustration I have, then I am satisfied, so if something here has helped you, then I am grateful for that.
I know that despite my best efforts I'm sure some of my opinions and preference came through a bit stronger than they should, I hope I haven't swayed you too much in the wrong direction. I'm obviously a bit biased by what I prefer from my park jets and the fact I was part of a team (NAMC) that produces some pretty good park jets :).
Obviously, some of my ideas are very different from those that you might read about on the RC Powers forum and perhaps are very different from yours and that is fine. I don't purposely want to disagree with RC Powers, I wouldn't be in this hobby or where I am at in my park jet career without the foundation of RC Powers and what I learned from their site and it's members.
As I grew and learned, I felt I needed to strike out on my own and experiment, what I was learning from some of the folks on the forum weren't working for me. And perhaps some of what I wrote here won't work for you either, and I'm OK with that.
If there is one takeaway from this I could hope for beyond really preparing and considering all your options before choosing your first or your 50th park jet is do what makes you happy. Don't be scared to experiment, if something you read or saw doesn't make sense to you, don't worry about going down your own path and not following what I or some "hot shot" on the RC Powers forum says. At the end of the day, the only person you need to keep happy at the field is yourself, not the "masses".
Scratch building park jets allows for an incredible amount of self expression, learning, experimenting, failing (yes, there will be that, just part of the hobby😏), but hopefully a lot of succeeding and incredible satisfaction when an experiment you try makes your plane fly better.
Another bit of advice I would add is taking some advice from Dave Powers especially if you are a beginner is "master one simple thing before moving on to the next, then master that and so on and so on. Essentially, remember to take the time to walk before you run.
I know the temptation is high when you see guys on You Tube ripping around with some pretty cool, more advanced jet to jump from a basic plane to that, been there, done that😳. As I mentioned towards the start of this thread, please try to resist that with all your might!💪 I filled a lot of garbage bags with busted up planes, shattered my confidence on numerous occasions and often couldn't fly because I smashed up all my "advanced" planes that were far beyond my skill level at the time and had an empty hangar until I built some more. Better to be patient and follow your skill level, it will set you up for much better experiences and success in the long term. I still see guys at my field trying to run before they can walk and a few times they just get discouraged and leave the hobby after spending a lot of time and money building planes and buying gear. I don't think any of us wants to be that guy.😐
I know that despite my best efforts I'm sure some of my opinions and preference came through a bit stronger than they should, I hope I haven't swayed you too much in the wrong direction. I'm obviously a bit biased by what I prefer from my park jets and the fact I was part of a team (NAMC) that produces some pretty good park jets :).
Obviously, some of my ideas are very different from those that you might read about on the RC Powers forum and perhaps are very different from yours and that is fine. I don't purposely want to disagree with RC Powers, I wouldn't be in this hobby or where I am at in my park jet career without the foundation of RC Powers and what I learned from their site and it's members.
As I grew and learned, I felt I needed to strike out on my own and experiment, what I was learning from some of the folks on the forum weren't working for me. And perhaps some of what I wrote here won't work for you either, and I'm OK with that.
If there is one takeaway from this I could hope for beyond really preparing and considering all your options before choosing your first or your 50th park jet is do what makes you happy. Don't be scared to experiment, if something you read or saw doesn't make sense to you, don't worry about going down your own path and not following what I or some "hot shot" on the RC Powers forum says. At the end of the day, the only person you need to keep happy at the field is yourself, not the "masses".
Scratch building park jets allows for an incredible amount of self expression, learning, experimenting, failing (yes, there will be that, just part of the hobby😏), but hopefully a lot of succeeding and incredible satisfaction when an experiment you try makes your plane fly better.
Another bit of advice I would add is taking some advice from Dave Powers especially if you are a beginner is "master one simple thing before moving on to the next, then master that and so on and so on. Essentially, remember to take the time to walk before you run.
I know the temptation is high when you see guys on You Tube ripping around with some pretty cool, more advanced jet to jump from a basic plane to that, been there, done that😳. As I mentioned towards the start of this thread, please try to resist that with all your might!💪 I filled a lot of garbage bags with busted up planes, shattered my confidence on numerous occasions and often couldn't fly because I smashed up all my "advanced" planes that were far beyond my skill level at the time and had an empty hangar until I built some more. Better to be patient and follow your skill level, it will set you up for much better experiences and success in the long term. I still see guys at my field trying to run before they can walk and a few times they just get discouraged and leave the hobby after spending a lot of time and money building planes and buying gear. I don't think any of us wants to be that guy.😐
In closing, I hope that this thread has helped you answer the question "which park jet for me?" or if nothing else removed some mystery behind why some planes fly so great and others might not be worth cutting foam to build them. Certainly follow your own path, have fun, experiment as you see fit, I'm all for that, but if by reading and considering some of what I have presented helps you dial in to the plane that might work best for you, then I am happy 😀
Blue skies and calm winds to everyone!
Park jet noise...the "other" sound of freedom 😎
Blue skies and calm winds to everyone!
Park jet noise...the "other" sound of freedom 😎
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