Now that you have your GCRC F-22 Mini V3 ready to go, please remember to follow the recommended CG and throws per the documentation that is available with the plans. We went through a lot of testing and discussion over these to try and ensure folks had as much success as possible on their maiden flight, so please start with those. After you get your F-22 Mini V3 flying, if you want to adjust the throws and your balance point, be my guest, but we are quite confident that if you follow our recommendations you will have the best chance of success.😃
As it states in the features and specs document that comes with your plans, the recommended starting throws are 18 mm one way in the elevator (pitch) portion of the elevon and 30 mm one way in the aileron (roll) portion of the elevon.
Simply hold a ruler on the edge at the back of the elevon like so to adjust your starting throws correctly.
As for expo, I won't tell you what to set for that, whatever you feel comfortable with, but you might want to add 10% over what you normally use until you get the feel for how agile this plane is.
I shot this video awhile back about how I do my maiden flights, just food for thought, since you are probably not a beginner flying this plane, use what works for you😉
With the recommended power setup, I find about 40-45% throttle is sufficient to get the plane flying. I found this plane a bit of a handful to fly in any wind over 5 mph, so if possible, do your maiden flight with less than about 5 mph of wind.
The GCRC F-22 Mini V3 accelerates and changes direction very quickly even with the recommended throws, so give yourself lots of altitude and airspace on the first few flights until you get used to it's response to power and control inputs.
Best of luck on your maiden flight and I wish you many hours of enjoyment with this very fast, aerobatic park jet😎
Blue skies and calm winds to everyone!
Park Jet noise...the "other" sound of freedom!
Great info Scott! And I would always recommend performing your Maiden Flight and Trimming in less than 5mph wind if possible. Where I live I have to fly in winds above 5mph most of the time. I have flown this parkjet several times in winds up to 10mph and it handled it well for a 300 gram Parkjet but it will definitely be more enjoyable in less wind ;-) See you in the Air!